Monday, July 12

The Aztecs

The New Stolen Girlfriends Look Book,"lifes A Beach"these guys are awsome there is so much i want, and whats even better they have obviously taken inspiration from the AZTECS!!

Friday, February 12

Lee Alexander Mcqueen

The tragic death of Lee wil have a huge influence on the fashion industry.He was a creative genius and my fav designer. Rest in peace you are an icon!xxx

Sunday, February 7

Sunday, January 31


shes so damn stunning. plus i love that boys rainbow tattoo..

Thursday, January 28

Sexiest shoot

Wishing cauld be this sexy all the time, excuse the boobs, got a huge crush on this shoot.

Summer Breezze

Brillent holidays, fucking awsome times.Highlights, with a little bit of fashion

Thursday, January 21


this is exactly how i want to be dressing right now. absolutly love the first picture-beautiful.